More FREE technology classes at the library

TechHelp_BBPLIn May, we held our first-ever hands-on computer classes at the library. We had four different classes: Computer Basics, Intro to Email & the Internet, Intro to Microsoft Word & Microsoft Excel.

These classes were a great success and we are happy to say we are hosting more classes this summer. If you missed out on any of these classes, we are holding the same exact classes we had in May this month. Click here for a complete schedule of classes.

Additionally, we are expanding the classes we offer. In July, we will be hosting a number of Intermediate Classes. And August will be a few different classes: Saving & Organizing Your Files and Resume Workshops.

If you are unsure about what will be covered in different classes, please feel free to call or email me (Pam), Baldwin’s technology librarian: 412-885-2255 |

As always, these classes are all FREE and we will supply the laptops.

And remember, if you or someone you know has never used a computer before, our basic computer classes are the place to start!

Click here for a list of all of our upcoming classes. 

– Pam Calfo, Technology & Marketing Librarian

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