Did you know that children who are not exposed to books in the first five years of their lives are already behind as soon as they enter kindergarten? Reading is fundamental to a child’s achievement. Reading books to young kids develops the language and concept skills needed for educational success.
Register for 1,000 Books Before Kindergarten HERE!
“This was our first time participating in the program. We found the creative [early literacy] totes and corresponding online content to be interactive, engaging, and fun. We always enjoyed books, and this helped fuel the joy. We are very pleased that we decided to give it a try!” – Andrea Koehler
“When Dolores first told me about the program I was thrilled to take part in such a cool and inspiring program for young readers. Reading is a daily part of my girls lives. Books are sometimes read throughout the day, but no matter what the girls have a storytime at night.
“The thousand books before kindergarten program helped to instill a love of books within my daughter. The program inspired us to develop a nightly ritual of reading and fostered a passion of learning.” – Jennifer Hoff
“I was thrilled to sign my daughter up for the 1,000 Books Before Kindergarten program. It seemed like such a great opportunity to quantify just how many stories we were reading on a daily basis while also continuing to foster her love of books. She could not wait to go to the library on the weeks where she reached a milestone in her trek toward 1,000.