No registration required for storytimes.
Bouncing Babies & Books
Tuesdays @ 10:30 am, year-round
Ages: Babies birth-24 months
This storytime, for babies birth-24 months, will include books, songs, musical instruments, scarves, parachutes and bubbles along with baby playtime/socialization following storytime! Meet new caregivers or meet up with old friends while starting your baby on the rewarding road to reading! To receive text updates, text @bouncingba to 81010.
Tales for 2s and 3s
Thursdays @ 10:30 am: Sept. 19 through: Dec. 19 (no storytime 10/10 & 11/28)
Ages: 24-36 months
A storytime specifically geared for toddlers who are 24-36 months old with a caregiver. We will read great stories, sing songs, and have plenty of music, movement, and fun that encourages your toddler’s language and development skills! Caregivers are encouraged to actively engage in activities with their child! To receive text updates, text @talesfor to 81010.
Preschool Story Explorers
Fridays @ 10:30 am: Sept. 20 through Dec. 20 (no storytime 10/4 & 11/29)
Ages: 3-5 years
Join our preschool program where children ages 3-5 can explore stories through songs, retellings, STEM activities and a craft. Grow your preschooler’s love for reading and learning! To receive text updates, text @prekexplor to 81010.
1,000 Books Before Kindergarten
The concept is simple but the rewards are priceless! Read books to your infant, toddler or preschooler – the goal is to have read 1,000 books before they enter the door of kindergarten! Register at the library, then use the tracker or mobile app to keep track of your progress! Just reading 1 book a day is 365 books in a year, 730 in two years and 1,095 in three years! You have plenty of time, so take advantage of this wonderful early literacy program!
Check out Carnegie Library of Pittsburgh’s Best Books for Babies, which contains materials to share with babies age birth to 18 months. This is a cooperative project of CLP, The Fred Rogers Company and Trying Together (formerly the Pittsburgh Association for the Education of Young Children.)