Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, Honorable Tom Wolf, Governor, with funds from the Redevelopment Assistance Capital Program
Office of Commonwealth Libraries, Pennsylvania Department of Education, with funds provided from the Keystone Recreation, Park and Conservation Fund
Baldwin Borough
$100,000 – $499,999
Redevelopment Authority of Allegheny County, with funds from the Community Infrastructure and Tourism Fund
Estate of Louis Fabian
Baldwin Borough Public Library Reserve Building Fund
$25,000 – $49,999
John F. Slater Funeral Home, Inc.
PNC Charitable Trusts
$10,000 – $14,999
Katie and Jeff Chojnicki*
Massey Charitable Trust
Michael Brothers Hauling
$5,000 – $9,999
The Alden of South Hills*
Brentwood Bank*
Kiwanis Club of Baldwin*
McElhinny Insurance Agency*
The Moder Family
Candace and Christopher Seymour and Family
Snee-Reinhardt Charitable Foundation*
Jennifer and Mark Worley
$1,000 – $4,999
Anonymous Donor
Katherine Blanchard*
Caliber Contracting Services
Pamela and Vincent Calfo*
Jim Hamel
The Paul Hayhurst Family
Kathleen and Mark Lynch
Nancy Musser
Jesse Posset
Bill and Judy Stockey*
Rosemary and Bill Willis
Thomas J. Gmiter Funeral Home
$0 – $999
Anonymous (3 donors)
Staff at The Alden of South Hills
Adams & Associates
Baker & Taylor
Helen and John Beres*
Ann and Jerry Bisignani
Churchview Farms
Constellation Corporate Relations
CCP South Hills Pediatrics
Nancy Crowder
Duffy’s Beer LLC
William P. Egan, CPA
Esken Landscaping
Marian K. Fedak
GBU District 684
The Hlawati Family
Marie Jackson
Jefferson Memorial Cemetery & Funeral Home
Representative Bill Kortz
Stanley and Michael Lederman
Leefer Chiropractic Life Center
McIlrath Insurance
Metropolitan Window Company
Karen Mislanovich
Kelly Mossbauer
Dr. Sandra Och
Osiris Enterprises
Barb and George Pry
Rep. Harry Readshaw
Juliana Shayne*
David M. Stiffey
Nicole Stockey*
Two Men and a Truck
U-Haul of Pleasant Hills
Cathy Zandier
Naming Recognition
Immigrant and Refugee Programming (2 yr sponsorship), The Alden of South Hills
Library Furnishings, Helen and John Beres
Large Print Collection (2 yr sponsorship), Katherine Blanchard
Outreach Services to Community Youth (2 yr sponsorship) Brentwood Bank
Water Fountain and Filling Station, Pamela and Vincent Calfo
Technology & Programming, Summer Reading Club Programming (2 yr sponsorship), Katie and Jeff Chojnicki
Early Literacy Programs (2 yr sponsorship), Kiwanis Club of Baldwin
Book Drop, McElhinny Insurance Agency
Library Shelving, Snee-Reinhardt Charitable Foundation
Library Furnishings, Bill and Judy Stockey
Library Furnishings, Nicole Stockey
Children’s Center, PNC Charitable Trusts