3D Printing Services

The Baldwin Library now offers 3D Printing Services! Bring objects to life through the technology of 3D printing!

This 3D printer was donated to honor the memory of beloved patron Karen Munster.


What is 3D Printing?

3D printing or additive manufacturing is a process of making three dimensional objects from a digital file.


What can I 3D print?

There are many options for 3D printing like figurines, toys, home decor, and more! Many ideas can be found online. A great place to start is: Thingiverse – Digital Designs for Physical Objects

How do I request 3D Printing Services?

In order to request a 3D print job, you will first need to read through our policies and procedures.

Then you will have to complete our request form:

Questions? Contact us at: 412-885-2255 or baldwin@einetwork.net

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