Elizabeth Seton Center- Seton Center offers outstanding senior-focused programs at an affordable cost. We offer a variety of services supporting senior citizens and their families at three Seton Center locations in Allegheny and Westmoreland Counties.
Website: https://setoncenterpgh.org/senior-services/
Phone Number: 412-882-5085
Caregogi- Paid service that matches local caregivers with seniors.
Website: https://www.caregogi.com/
Phone Number: 877-541-1814
Allegheny County Department of Human Services- Information about social events, free meals and more for people over age 65.
Website: https://www.alleghenycounty.us/human-services/index.aspx
Phone Number: 412-350-5460
Area Agency on Aging (AAA)- Assists Allegheny County residents, 60 years of age and older, to live safe, healthy and, when possible, independent lives.
Website: https://www.alleghenycounty.us/Human-Services/About/Offices/Area-Agency-on-Aging.aspx
Phone Number: 412-350-5460 or 800-344-4319
National Aging in Place Council (NAIPC)- senior support network that connects service providers with older homeowners, their families, and caretakers.
Website: https://ageinplace.org/
Phone Number: N/A
Wesley Family Services- Provides volunteer-based services to help older adults maintain their independence.
Website: https://ageinplace.org/chapter-greater-pittsburgh/
Phone Number: 888-222-4200
PA Link to Aging and Disability Resources- Helps people with disabilities and seniors find information that will connect them to supports and services in their community.
Website: https://www.aging.pa.gov/local-resources/pa-link/Pages/default.aspx
Phone Number: 800-753-8827