As we adapted and expanded our virtual and contactless programs to meet the challenges of this past year, we realized something amazing in the process: our commitment to you only got stronger.
Whether you visit in person or virtually, we strive to meet you where you need us. Through interactive virtual stories and activities, to the 200+ take home kits we prepare each month, we are here to keep you strong and lift you up through the darkest of times. Help us keep your community strong and donate today.
Your gift supports the critical technology that is now essential to the educational success of our youth. Internet access is vital and your help provides free Internet hotspots for anyone in need of connectivity.
Your gift supports the programs that provide the connections our most vulnerable people need to combat social isolation. Being confined at home has greatly impacted our mental health. Your donation supports the discussion groups, bingo sessions and craft socials that provide meaningful connections essential to our well-being.
Your gift supports parents with at-home early learning so children don’t fall behind with language and development. The closure of child care facilities has had a immense impact on the growth of our children. Your donation directly funds our virtual early learning programming, including books, musical instruments and activities provided in free take-home kits for all.
It doesn’t matter where you are, the Library is always here for you.
With your help, it always will be. Donate today.