Parent Resources

We have many great resources available for parents to help their children. In addition to some of our great resources, be sure to see all of our Kids and Family programs coming up soon at the library!

Reading Resources

Looking for Accelerated Readers for your child?
Check out to search for accelerated reading books for your child. You can search by a number of different fields including authors, titles or topics of books.


Find books for your child!
Not sure what books are appropriate for your child’s reading level? Click on the image  below to search for books by Reading Level, Lexile Measurement and more!

book widget image

OverDrive: You can download FREE eBooks and audiobooks through the library to your computer, smart phone or tablet! Check out our eBook Page for more information on how to download books to specific devices. Also see our OverDrive site just for kids!

TumbleBook Library:
TumbleBooks add animation, sound, music and narration to existing picture books, producing an electronic picture book which you can read or have read to you.  You’ll also find chapter books, math stories, puzzles and games, and videos. All content is available for PCs and Macs. Some content is also  available for use on iPhones/iPads.  To access, select “mobile” from the “Choose” menu in the top right corner. Home Access

An online literacy resource that pairs classic video storybooks with related nonfiction eBooks to build a love of reading and learning. Home Access

Language Learning Resources

Little Pim: Interactive online language learning program for children. PimFlags_new_Right-logoLanguages include: Arabic, Chinese, English, French, German, Hebrew, Italian, Japanese, Russian, and Spanish.

Local Schools

Baldwin High School: 412-885-7500

Harrison Middle School: 412-885-7530

McAnnulty Elementary School: 412-714-2020

Paynter Elementary School: 412-885-7535

Whitehall Elementary School: 412-885-7525


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