The library’s popular eBook and audio book resource, OverDrive, recently was updated and some changes have been made to the service. If you have any questions about using OverDrive, you can call the library or schedule a one-on-one appointment with Pam, technology librarian.
Better Browsing Experience
The covers of the book have easy-to-understand banners on the top of the cover that allow you to tell if an item is available or you need to place a hold on an item.
New Ways to Find Titles
The previous way to search for items is still available using quick search or advanced search, however there is a new Subjects link and a collections menu so you can browse all subjects.
Improvements to placing and retrieving holds
Once you’ve placed your first hold, OverDrive will remember your email address and you won’t be prompted for it when you place future holds. This allows you to place holds in just one click.
Holds are also automatically borrowed for you as soon as they are available. This means, once the hold is available, you will receive an email notification and it will appear on your loans page. You can then download it from here.
Change to the renewal process
You can renew titles, within three days of their expiration, by selecting Request again under your loans page. If the title has no holds, you can borrow it again immediately as soon as it expires or you’ll be placed on the title’s wait list.