On April 1, our library will be kicking off a very exciting early literacy campaign called 1,000 Books Before Kindergarten. The concept of the campaign is simple…to read 1,000 books to your child before they walk in the door of kindergarten. While the task sounds daunting, it’s probably something that you already do on a daily basis! If you read only one book per day to your child, that’s 365 books in one year, 730 books in two years, and 1,095 books in three years, but chances are, you read MORE than one book per day to your child! The campaign’s goal is to draw awareness and purpose to reading to your child, all while using our FUN (and simple) tracking system.
Upon registration, you will receive a special folder containing tracker sheets and other relevant information regarding the program’s initiative. After each 100 books read sheet is completed, simply return it to the library, and your child will receive an award sticker or milestone prize (prizes awarded at the 200, 400, 600, 800 and 1,000 milestones). There will also be a special area at the library for participants to display and move their car upon each milestone completion.
Research shows that the most reliable predictor of school success is being read to at home during early childhood. Brain development is the most rapid during the first three years of a child’s life than at any other time during their lifetime. Reading to a child from an early age can help close the vocabulary gap and prepare children to enter kindergarten with the skills they need to succeed. Most important, sharing books with children promotes a lifelong love of books and reading.
This program will work in conjunction with our Summer Reading Club, so books you read will automatically count for both programs!
We hope you will register and join in this exciting initiative! Any child ages 0-5 is eligible to participate, and the program only ends when your child enters kindergarten.