2020 Donors

2020 Donors

Last updated: December 29 @12:32PM
If your name is missing from this list or is incorrect, or if you did not receive a thank you letter please email Jenny Worley

Adams & Associates
Brentwood Bank
John F. Slater Funeral Home
Spina Law Associates, P.C.
Thomas Gmiter Funeral Home, Inc
Partyline Catering
Individuals and Families
(Alphabetical A-L)
Anonymous Donors = 61
Zach Aaron
Laura Adams
Janet Addlespurger
Joe and Lisa Alfonsi
Karen Allen
William P. Anthony Jr.
William and Kareen Apel in honor of our parents
Sandra Arch-Evans
Pam Arroyo
Celestine and David Auen
Jennae Backo
Kristina Badali
Tracy and Matthew Bakowski in memory of Joe and Dorothy Miller
Ben Banyas
Robert and Donna Bauer
Behers Family
Jessica Belsterling
Tara Benitez
Alexander and Elizabeth Bennett
John and Helen Beres
Jean Beyer
Jerry and Ann Bisignani
Katherine Blanchard in memory of Alma McClain
Diane Boggs
David Bold
Carolyn Bourgeois
Julie Brain
Stephenie Brazill
Jessica Brendel
Kevin and Diana Brucha
Greg Bucci
William and Linda Burns Jr.
Louis Butterworth
Roland and Colleen Campion
Rebecca Casne
Jeff and Katie Chojnicki
Paula Cline
Eleanor Coe in honor of Baldwin Whitehall Teachers
Don and Dolores Colarosa
Dottie Coll
John and Marianne Conley
Cheryl Conte
Susan Creek
Edward G. Csider
Robert and Cheryl Cygrymus
Anonymous in memory of Dorothea Dierken
Stanley and Mariane Darkowski, for Dylan and Austin Darkowski
Mary Ann Davis
Daniel Davisson
Christine Demko
John and Linda Denk
Dolores Depretis
Charlene Devlin in memory of Charles F. Devlin, Jr.
Christina Dietz
Mary Dilla
Michael A. Dinardo
James and Linda Doring
Joann Dowd
Matthew Dugan
Vivian and Don Duncan in memory of William “Bill” Needham
Roberta Ebert
Jeff and Ann Ehland
Christy Ehrlich
Beth Eicher
Aaron Eichhorn
Marylou Englert
Stephanie Esek
Cathryn Evanek
Marcus Faber
Carole Fahrner
Kathleen Faraone
Marian Fedak in honor of Willis and Marie Knight
Nicholas and Eileen Fera
William Fix
Nicole Flannery
Anonymous in memory of Marian Frantz
Dorothy Frisch
Victor Fritz
Joseph and Cathy Gavin Jr.
Cynthia Geisler
Peter Giglione
Marsha Green
Andrea and William Gregg
Debra Gromo in memory of my mom, Grace Kreutzer
Judith Hallinen
Lisa Halsaver
James Hamel
Paul and Susan Hayhurst
Sally Henderson
Michael Herrle
Michael and Judith Hines
Samantha Hoffman
Diana Huang
Judith Huetter in memory of my husband, Glenn & daughter, Susan
Marie Jackson
Ruth Jarosz
Margaret Johnston
Maureen and John Joyce
Mark Jozwiak
Mary Kancle
Lisa Kaufman
Beth Kassalen
Christine and Steve Kedzuf
Barbara Kelly
Sherri Kennedy
Susanne Klug
Kenneth Knetzer
Carol Knobel
Suann Kozak
Jane Krason
Lorraine Krason
Joan Kvorjak
Donna Lambert
Jennifer Lang
Thomas and Christine Laurent
Victoria and James Layton
Robert J. Lee
Mary Lepiane in memory of Eugene Lepiane
Rhonda A. Luczak
Mark and Kathleen Lynch
Organizational Partners
Baldwin Whitehall Friends of the Theater Arts, 2020 Teen Drama Program sponsor
Jefferson Regional Foundation
Kiwanis Club of Baldwin, 2020 Summer Reading Club Sponsor
Shade Tree Commission
Women’s Club of Baldwin
Individuals and Families
(Alphabetical M-Z)
Chet Maciejewski
John and Beverly Madeja
Denise and Thomas Maiden
Gretchen Marlowe
Laurette Martin
Joanne Mccarthy
Joe and Sharon McCartney in Honor of our parents
Brenda McCracken
Shannon McFeaters
Paul and Faye McVay
Robert and Carol Meador in memory of Wayne Pferdehirt
Carol Meeder
Rose Marie Mendyk
Lori Meyers
Mary Ann and Donald Mient
Christine Miller
John and Catie Miller
Ronald Miller
Marilyn Milteer
Carol and Francis Miskevich
Karen Mislanovich
Donna Mitchell
Kevin and Jamie Moder
Lynn Moran
Michele Morgan
Kelly and Michael Mossbauer
Marty and Hank Murawski
Nancy Musser
Rosanne Musser in honor of Nancy Musser
Debra Mutschler
Mary Mylo
Marina and Gregory Nath
Richard and Kimberly Newbould
Quy Nguyen
Ken Okello
Frank O’Leary
Pam Ozanich
Diane and Paul Palko
John Palmiere
Samuel Parinella
Andrea Parise
Beckie Paulick in honor of Margaret Luchini
Gary and Mary Paull
Mark & Karen Pavlick
Kelly Pearl
Dolores Perston
Michele Petri
Walter and Monica Ploskon
Elizabeth Podrasky
Jesse Posset
Amanda Pritts
George and Barbara Pry in honor of Richard and Irene Bodnar
John and Kathy Radacsi
Danielle Rauch
John and Anita Reck
Elaine and John Rhode
Glenn Ribblett
Anna Richards
Thomas Ripy
Thomas and Lynda Ritter
Estate of Paul Rollin
Marjean Rockacy
George L. Rohe
Jamie Rossi
Christine Rostek
Fran Ruppen
Janet Rusnak
Shawn and Stacey Ryan
Paulette Sadowski
Patricia Saint-Vincent
Russell and Susan Scheller
Annie M. Schmidt in memory of Margaret Rita McCormick Conrad
Michael and Kathryn Schmitt
Colleen Schuetz
Renee Schultz
Nancy Sciechowicz
Peggy Seemiller
Jeannie Seifert
Candace and Christopher Seymour and Family
Juliana Shayne
Melissa Sill
Charles and Margaret Skalos
Gary Smith Jr.
Jeanne Stefanac
Sue and Kevin Stiffey
Rose Ann Stroncek
Diane Strussenberg
Sherry Stumpf
Deb Tarczy
Benjamin and Nancy Taylor
Marie Teslovich in memory of my mother
Carson Thieret
Ray Thomas
Arlene Thompson
Divyesh Timsina
Khara Timsina and Family
Monica Tompkins
Lauren Tripson
Deborah Vallor
Jim Vogel
Cheryl Walendziewicz
Gregory Watson
Caryn Wayman
Linda and Richard Weber
Virginia Weida
Stephanie Werling
Karen Widmaier
Eric Willis
Rosemary and William Willis
Melissa Wine
Linda Winkler
Martha Winowich in memory of Yolanda Solenday
Donna Wojcik
Jenny and Mark Worley
Nicole Wysocki
Marlene Young in memory of Bob Young
Michael Zebert
Crystal Zimmerman
Past Donors
2019 Library Supporters
2018 Library Supporters
2017 Library Supporters
2016 Library Supporters

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