Program Use Policy
STATEMENT OF PURPOSE: To set the terms governing the exclusive use of the library’s program room.
Baldwin Borough Public Library (BBPL) provides meeting space for library programs and for other meetings/activities of an informational, education, cultural, or civic nature, the library program room is available to the community consistent with the library’s mission of being a place to inspire, enrich, learn and grow.
- Exclusive use of the program room is free of charge to non-profit, civic, social, cultural, educational, and governmental organizations, as long as the meeting or programs held advance or complement the mission of the library, are open to the public, are free of charge, are not held with intention of generating revenue. Use by political parties engaging political activity is prohibited.
- Meeting rooms cannot serve as a permanent or regular public meeting location for any non-Library or non-Library related group. To allow all members of the community the opportunity to use the Library’s meeting room, repeated use may only occur on a semi-annual basis.
- Permission to use the program room is revocable and does not constitute a lease. The library reserves the right to cancel and/or reschedule any meeting by giving two weeks advance notice. Permission previously granted to a group or organization to use the program room may be canceled at any time by the Library Director or Library Board, if it is determined that the meeting/activity scheduled does not comply with the policy set froth or if the building is closed for an unforeseen maintenance problem (no heat, water, etc.).
- A group or organization must notify the library within 24 hours of the scheduled activity if they need to cancel a program room reservation. Failure to do so may result in not being able to use the room for a period of six (6) months.
- Users of the library facility must comply with all applicable state and federal laws, local ordinances, and the policies of the building owners, namely Baldwin-Whitehall School District. Any unlawful activity shall be the basis to deny use of the library program room in the future.
- The library assumes no responsibility for damage to, or theft of, any item displayed or exhibited in the program room. All items are place in the program room at the owner’s risk.
- Equipment, materials, or furniture belonging to any group shall not be stored in the library without written permission of the Library Director. Space, staff, and activities of the library will determine whether storage is permitted.
- Library-related activities take precedence in scheduling the use of the room.
- Meetings/activities are not to exceed 50 people.
- Room Arrangement: Fifty (50) chairs and eight (8) tables are available for groups or organizations to set up to meet their particular needs. The library cannot assume responsibility for setting up the room for non-library-related meetings/activities. When the meeting is completed, the room must be cleaned up with all furniture returned the way it was found.
- Schedule: Meetings must be held during regular library hours unless written approval has been secured by the Library Director or staff he/she designates. Library staff must be in the building for such exceptions. Meetings must end no later than 10:00 p.m. during the school year and no later than 8:30 p.m. during the summer break in order that the custodian staff can clean the room.
- Equipment: Subject to availability, the following equipment may be used in the library program room: lectern, television, VCR, DVD player, overhead projector, projection screen, multimedia projector, laptop computer with Internet connection, coffee maker. There is no charge for use of the equipment. If equipment is used, the user shall set it up in advance of the meeting hour. The user shall have knowledge of how to operate the equipment. It is not the responsibility of the library staff to operate the equipment.
- Food and Drink: Food and drink may be served in the program room.
- Clean-up and Damage: The sponsoring group or organization assumes all responsibility for damage to library or school district property and for leaving the premises in the condition in which it was found, including the arrangement of furnishing and cleaning up of trash. Damage to the facility will be reported to the Baldwin-Whitehall School District.
- Library facilities may be reserved only by a card-holding user of any public library in Allegheny County following submission of the Program Room Reservation Form which shall be reviewed and approved by the Library Director or staff member he/she designates. An authorized member of the group must sign the meeting room request form, the applicant agrees that:
- They have read the rules and regulations for the library program room and understand them.
- They understand that any failure to abide by these rules and regulations may result in forfeiture of rights to use the room for a period of six (6) months.
- They accept financial responsibility for any and all damages cause to the building or equipment beyond normal wear.
- The library will not provide porter service to carry supplies and custodial help is not available for other than normal room maintenance. Library staff is not available to assist with meetings or to operate equipment.