On Saturday, May 19 from 10 am – 1 pm, we will be hosting our 4th Annual Library Touch-A-Truck Fundraiser and community event at the Baldwin Borough Municipal Building (3344 Churchview Avenue). This is a great family event that brings together community partners and allows kids to climb in trucks, take pictures and honk the horns. Cost: $10 donation per family. You can buy tickets online or at the day of the event.
This year we have many great partners, including Trucks For Maddox. After losing their son Maddox, in a tragic accident at the Pittsburgh Zoo, the family made a request in his obituary, “In lieu of flowers, the family requests everyone bring a toy construction truck to be donated to a children’s Christmas charity.” The request had overwhelming support and transformed into a non-profit organization – Trucks For Maddox Charitable Trust.
Since 2012, more than 8,000 toys were delivered to disadvantaged children. The goal of Trucks for Maddox is to bring smiles to disadvantaged children by giving toy trucks, through multiple charities, on an annual basis. If you are unable to attend our Touch-A-Truck event, there are a number of Dropbox spots in the community.
Click here for more information about the event and a complete list of trucks and community partners.